the joyful planet xebnax xebnax








xebnax, a world far away

But xebnax is as close as your heart too.  Here is some information on the planet of xebnax!

Xebnax is a planet of peace and love.  Everything is shared, and nobody keeps things that should belong to someone else.  It rains water, but it also rains sprinkles and sometimes it rains cupcakes.  Even the soil on xebnax tastes like sugar!  There are trees of pants and trees of flowers and trees of fruit, and all kinds of plants.  Everything is plentiful there, and everyone understands and lives in harmony with their environment.  Everyone is vegetarian, and they oppose the suffering of others.

Moocow land is the home of the moocows, and because it is linked to xebnax by a magic bond, so too are the xebnaxians linked to the moocows.  Most xebnaxians have at least one moocow friend who shares a bond with them.

Both xebnaxians and moocows don't care about gender, and whenever they want to produce another moocow or xebnaxian, two or three or however many want to will get together and share a little bit of their spirit and life force.

Anything made by moocows or with a moocow theme is very popular with xebnaxians, and it is not uncommon to see xebnaxians dressed in moocow-designed fashions themselves.  The most popular are ones that have cute moocow patterns on them, which the moocows design and create the fabrics for themselves.  Many moocows love to weave and dye fabric, and all of these are beloved by xebnaxians.

Most xebnaxians know magic, because magic is their life.  They are magical themselves, and they know magic is a part of everything.  Because of this, xebnaxians can sense the distress of any nearby being, and they can also sense the distress of their planet or any planet they might be on.  Sometimes they might also detect the distress of neighboring worlds.  They can work together and help planets with their power of hope and love and magic.

It may seem strange, but most xebnaxians live alone.  However, many of them live within walking distance of other xebnaxians, and there are towns all over xebnax too.  It is important to xebnaxians, even though they share a bond with each other and their world, to have personal space and solitude sometimes too.

There are all kinds of environments on xebnax, from forests to mountains to oceans to deserts to anything!  These are spread out into different areas, and all kinds of wonderful creatures, beings, and people live in all these places.  There is no currency or law, because xebnaxians live by love and respect for each other and the world around them.

It's a wonderful and fun world.  You should visit sometime!  We are always happy to have visitors!