the joyful planet xebnax xebnax









I do lots of is my life!  I have included a little sampling of some of the special things I've done below.  If you want to buy art from me (commission me) to draw whatever you'd like, please use the mail button to mail me and ask me.  You can also visit the shop and see how much I charge for commissions.  I'm happy to do artwork for you!

These works are in no particular order, so go at your own pace, wherever you like!

wandering fox - a pretty painting done for pchan grandmother's birthday!

pchan welcomes you - a new CG style picture for you!

pchan in color - hand-colored with colored pencils, this was a present of sorts for having published so many strips.

congratulations - a present to n-fans:  the series for reaching 1000 episodes!

pchan wuvs you - a simple coloring job that made a friend happy.

special wuv - another simple coloring job to cheer up a friend.

ostara celebration - commemorating spring equinox and the life that can spring from nothingness.  This gives a message of everlasting hope.

moments of pleasure - this was for my friend steve, who went to the spirit world to have fun.  Although I was happy for him, I was still a little sad because he had changed form.  Doing this art helped me get through it though.  This was inspired by a very special song.

mogu mogu - 'mogu mogu' is Japanese sound effect for eating.  I drew this on a paper tablecloth and I liked it so much I brought it home.  It's now hanging on my wall!

first try - me with pink ghostie.  This is actually the first picture I really did of pchan!

POTANTE - the emperor of all potatoes!

samhain disguise - we all dressed up for samhain, and this was put with PMD one week.

the best - a simple little banner that accompanied the reposts of PMD during the short period where I took a little break and wrote little blurbs explaining the favorite strips up to then.

pchan yule celebration - friends are great to spend holidays with, don't you think?  This was a present for Yule season.

art from pchan fans!

the following art is art that fans of pchan and PMD submitted, and I love it all!

mavrik's fabulous art - isn't he talented?  Beautiful artwork!

more from mavkun - the PMD characters, part 1.

more from mavkun - the PMD characters, part 2.

the giant angelic buttox - that says it all!

pchan as G3 - from gatchaman!  mavrik is super and did this picture as a friendly gift.